A Lasting Heritage: Setting Up an Irrevocable Mineral Trust

A Lasting Heritage: Setting Up an Irrevocable Mineral Trust | By: Boppre Law Firm

A Lasting Heritage: Setting Up an Irrevocable Mineral Trust

Countless clients approach us with mineral rights they’ve inherited from family members. For many, these mineral interests aren’t just parcels of land; they symbolize cherished family relics. The primary concern is often ensuring these treasured assets remain in the family and benefit generations yet to come. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through establishing an irrevocable mineral trust.

The term irrevocable speaks for itself. Once established, this type of trust cannot be altered or dissolved. While some might find the idea of relinquishing control daunting, mineral interests typically don’t share the unpredictability of other assets. For instance, it’s rare for someone to impulsively decide to sell mineral rights, unlike with real estate. So, the permanence of an irrevocable mineral trust often isn’t a point of contention.

One of the trust’s major advantages is its permanence. Since the minerals no longer legally belong to you, they’re excluded from your personal estate, offering protection against potential creditor claims or hefty estate taxes.

Moreover, the irrevocable mineral trust promises a streamlined distribution mechanism for families. The trust can be tailored to ensure you benefit from royalty incomes during your lifetime. Upon your demise, the trust can either continue distributing only the income to your beneficiaries, keeping the minerals intact, or you can opt for a direct mineral deed transfer. If safeguarding the mineral rights for your lineage is a priority, opting for income-only distribution can shield them from future creditor claims, marital property disputes, and similar risks.

For numerous clients, preserving family mineral rights is paramount. By instituting an irrevocable mineral trust, you not only secure these assets but also fortify a legacy that resonates deeply with family values.

Contact us for more info on irrevocable trusts or to get started on setting yours up.